Each room makeover has a story.
On the way to work one morning my cell phone rang. It was from a man, I had not met yet and only spoke briefly about how we could work together. Hey are you helping a family on the lower Cape, a dad and two sons? I had done the interview the day before, I knew immediately who he was referring to. How can I help? I responded with a common room makeover needs. Consider it done, he said. Something about this family struck me in a different way. Two young teens had been reunited with their father. I had only spoken to the dad for a short time, but his voice was heavy and labored. You know he said, “he shouldn’t even be alive.” It already confirmed what I had been thinking. Look, I’ve got another idea about how you can help, but I’ll have to get back to you.
When we create a room makeover for our kids, depending on the scope of work it can take anywhere from a day to a week, but the common thread is on the final day of the room makeover, we surprise the kids with a room reveal.
On occasion we need the kids to stay away for an extended period of time. This time it was just a few additional hours beyond a typical school day. The question was what could we do to make this time memorable and interesting for two teenage boys.
To be continued….